WSBN Sewing Room Tour Round-up!

Well the tour of the Wellington Sewing Bloggers Network has come to an end now BUT if you missed some here is a round up of all the stops that were made this month!

1st: Gemma at 66 Stitches
2nd: Laura at Laulipopnz
4th: Nikki at NikkiStitches
5th: Juliet at Crazy Gypsy Chronicles
6th: Sandra at SewistStitch
7th: Sophie-Lee at Two Random Words
8th: Kat at Macskakat
9th: Holly at Polycraftual
10th: MaryLouise at Thanks I made this myself
11th: Nina at Ninavirgo
12th: Sandra at FlossieFT
13th: Melissa at The Curous Kiwi
14th: Zara at Off-Grid Chic
15th: Crafty Mermaid
16th: Gillian at Sewing Down Under
17th: Leimomi at The Dreamstress
18th: Teresa at Adventures of a Girl from the Naki
19th: Joy at Acharmofmagpies
20th: Nicola at Silvern Swan
21st: Jenna at Ruby Dust
22nd: Maryanne at Sent from my iRon
25th: Elisabeth at The Sewphist

And here just to prove that my space isn’t always spick and span …. this was taken right NOW

Hope you have enjoyed the tour!

3 responses to “WSBN Sewing Room Tour Round-up!

  1. Brilliant! I was thinking I’ll have to take a photo of how messed up my space is now since I’ve frantically made 3 garments since my blog post of my tidied and sanitised space

I love reading your comments!