The Great WSBN Sewing Room Tour!

It is day two of what is going to be a magical month where the lovely ladies from WSBN are going to give you a sneak peek into our sewing spaces!

Yesterday we got to have the first grand tour thought Gemma from 66stitches sewing space and tomorrow it is Nikki’s Turn from Nikki Stitches

(WARNING I just finished writing this post and well it is massive! but contains lots of pretty pictures if you aren’t in the mood for reading!)

So lets enter into my sewing space!

This is pretty good timing for me as a few weeks ago the last instalment of my new sewing room was put in place!

I now have amazing wall storage cubbies and well my room happens to be tidy (after moving all the excess shelves out over the weekend)

Here we have my two machines that get used A LOT! My overlocker and my brand new sewing machine!!!!




As you can see they are positioned nicely on their own tables so I can flick between them easily!
that little sun you are seeing there is about all I get in my room in a day 10-30min at around 3pm depending on the season!
It isn’t the most ideal but it does mean my stash doesn’t get sun damaged!

Then we have my cutting table! This was my Christmas present from my hubby!!! Normally it is just stacked high with piles of fabric but I had to clear it off last week to cut fabric out (all the fabric that was on it got dumped in that cane basket you can see!)
Oh and the fabric I was cutting was for that tunic that is on my mannequin, Prudence, if she had arms she would be waving HI!


I love my cutting table! its an extra spot for dumping things! but also it has built in little shelves that are the prefect size for all my overlocking threads, jars of buttons, rulers and other bits and bobs!


But it also folds completely away so if I need the floor space or I have a hook on it as it doubles as a photography frame for little things I make!


Next up in the spin round the room we have my computer desk which is also my pride and joy treadle singer sewing machine!


Its normally like this with my precious folded away!

But I can still have it set up and make use of both sewing and computer-ing!

Then there is my other singer …
IMG_3783Its so pretty too!!!

Now are my new pretty shelves! These were my birthday present from Hubby but well my birthday was in April and I only got these put up about a month ago!
Still I have been hankering for these to go in ever since I set up in this room oh about 2 years ago!
The space works so much better now!


I have pretty much EVERYTHING up here!
IMG_3778All my pretty books! Embroidery hoops, some patterns.
All my sewing supplies are now in easy access, threads, more buttons, the lid to my other singer machine …. sewing boxes full of needles and other important things!

Boxes of elastic, velcro and bias binding, baskets with little bits of fabric, tins full of MORE buttons, bowls for throwing random things in!IMG_3781
These boxes on the end, one is full of zips, one has all my little market stock in it, one is ribbons and trims etc and the other is scraps of fabric that are still big enough for something!

Last but not least over in the corner by the door we have the little nook of the room that isn’t mine …
IMG_3769this is Hubby’s study desk, and hiding in behind there is the wardrobe,

I often have a little helper in my sewing room, her name is Moppet and she likes to supervise me and keep me on task…
if she isn’t lying all over the fabric Im cutting or smooching up onto my lap for cuddles while I’m trying to sew!

What am I working on?

A few weeks ago I made up a couple of merino Plantain tees!

Well I have just finished making up a Laurel Dress by Greenstlye Creations


I have a stack of Laulipop’s Shop baby bibs that are just about to be released for spring, but are still waiting to have the tags sewn on them!

IMG_3754Next Thing in Line:
another pair of Papercut’s Anima Pants that have been cut for ages but my overlocker broke


I also have lots of other fabrics that I have plans for … but well there is a long list and a lot of fabric!

Show Off Your Stash!

Here you go … LOOK ….


Boxes and drawers and shelves FULL OF FABRIC! this is where the mess is hiding!

seriously there is so much fabric in here I don’t think I am ever going to use it all in my life time … yet I keep buying more!

fabric stashvintage fabrics, knit fabrics, cotton fabrics …. pretty much every kind of fabric !!

But wait the basket is coughing up its contents…


yeah I have too much fabric!
But right at the moment this is top of the favourites list! though what I am going to make with it is beyond me, the print is just too amazing to break up too much but it is screaming to be a garment!

Then there are my patterns …. there actually isn’t room for them in my sewing room, they live under my bed in a big box!

Snapshot of Wainuiomata
The place I call home, over the hill and far away from the rest of Wellington (not really that far)

Photo Stolen from Google most of the Wainui Valley from the top of the hill road!


Dusk from the top of the hill road looking into Wellington over the harbour!


View from my sewing room window!
Man I love the hills!

That is pretty much it from me now! Over to you Nikki for tomorrow’s WSBN sewing room tour!

Hope you enjoyed seeing my sewing room as much as I love hanging out in it!

Laura xx


23 responses to “The Great WSBN Sewing Room Tour!

    • I doubt your room is poor just different! Everyone’s personalities come out in their craft rooms … only reason mine isn’t a bomb site is Hubby bet me I couldn’t keep it clean for a month! I will rise to that challenge!

    • Awww thanks!!! My helper is pretty cute! the other two helpers are too but they want to help too much some times!
      That stripy wall is actually painted! took ages!

  1. So much to squee over, I don’t know where to start! The foldaway cutting table is spectacular, I love how arty and pretty your shelves look, and the striped walls are fantastic. Thanks for the tour!

    • yeah so my Wonderful Husband made it for me!
      if it helps the table is 90cm square and is is 90cm off the floor (my hip hight) shelve bit on the back is 6.5cm deep.

  2. Pingback: The Great WSBN Sewing Room Tour | Modern Vintage Cupcakes·

  3. Pingback: The Great WSBN sewing room tour – and we’re off! | sixty six stitches·

  4. Pingback: The Great WSBN Sewing Room Tour – My turn! | the curious kiwi·

  5. Pingback: The Great WSBN Sewing Room Tour of 2014 | Off-grid Chic·

  6. Pingback: Aww yeah, my sewing space! | rubydust·

  7. Pingback: WSBN Sewing Room Tour Round-up! | laulipop nz·

  8. Pingback: Welcome to my sewing space(s): The WSB sewing room tour | The Dreamstress·

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